
Since 1991 we develop commercial and scientific software for industrial, finance and service businesses, schools, universities and research centers.

Our services include the entire development-process starting from the definition of the requirements to deployment and maintenance. For us it’s important to involve the users early and hold a short release cycle during development. We ensure the quality of our work through the use of unit- and integration-tests. On demand we will host your applications with the necessary infrastructure on the basis of a service level agreement.

Our specialties are the creation and extension of platform independent Java Enterprise web applications. Especially we understand the connection to preexisting processes, applications and the integration of the associated databases and their migration, if applicable.

For the use of calculation, production, data acquisition and analysis processes we develop distributed applications with or without graphical user interface for desktop and web applications.

Programming Languages Java, Fortran, C/C++, Javascript, Typescript, Python, Matlab, LabView
Operating Systems Microsoft Windows, Unix/Linux
DB Oracle, Postgres, SQL-Server, Mysql, MongoDB
Frameworks Java EE, Spring Framework, Vue.js
Infrastructure HT Condor, Docker, Cloud Environments (Amazon, Google, …)
Software Version Control, Issue Tracking git, subversion, trac
Testing, CI JUnit, Pytest, Selenium, Jenkins, Travis
IDE Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio, Emacs